National Extinguisher Service is a family-owned business in Springfield, Oregon dedicated to helping our customers protect themselves, their families, their businesses, their communities and property from the devastating consequences of fire by delivering exceptional service and quality products in a timely manner. In addition to selling the highest quality wildland firefighting products manufacturers across the country make, we’ve also expanded our business (and our building) for manufacturing. In 2003, we began building drip torches, tools used to intentionally light fires in wildland fire suppression, controlled burning and forestry applications. Today, we sell drip torches to the federal government, state/local governments, fire departments, private contractors, private landowners and to distributors across the country. In Eugene, we also build our popular mobile attack skid units - mobile firefighting units that include a pump, gasoline-powered motor, tank and hoses. The skid units vary in size according to our customers needs and can fit on a flatbed truck or inside the bed of a pickup truck to serve areas inaccessible to larger vehicles.
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